Quick LogiQuiz #3

Try to figure out the answer to this new self-referential logic puzzle.

An interesting sum puzzle

Simple (yet interesting) arithmetic puzzle from a math olympiad for teenagers.

Quick LogiQuiz #2

Try to solve the second Quick LogiQuiz puzzle. In this puzzle you must figure out the answers to all the questions using the questions itself as clues.

How to Get People to Like You

Just because you weren’t born with this innate charisma doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to win people over.

Quick Zebra Puzzle #1

Can you figure out who owns the Zebra in this quick logic puzzle? Try to solve it without using pen/paper! The person in house one … Read more

Quick LogiQuiz #1

LogiQuiz is a self-referential test where you must work out the answer using only the given multiple-choice questions. What is the answer to question #2? … Read more

Memory Improvement

Memory Improvement

List of games and activities that may help you build better connections for faster memory recall.