Quick LogiQuiz #2

Try to solve the second Quick LogiQuiz puzzle. In this puzzle you must figure out the answers to all the questions using the questions itself as clues.

  1. How many questions have answer C?
    A) 3
    B) 4
    C) 2
    D) 0
  2. How many questions have answer B?
    A) 3
    B) 4
    C) 1
    D) 2
  3. How many questions have answer A?
    A) 1
    B) 0
    C) 3
    D) 4
  4. How many questions have answer D?
    A) 0
    B) 3
    C) 2
    D) 1

Can you solve this self-referential puzzle? Leave the answer in the comments.


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