What fruit can you use to sip water?

See answer

What fruit never ever wants to be alone?

See answer

I am a bird, I am a fruit and I am a person. What am I?

See answer

How does a dog cross a river without getting wet?

See answer

What is in the middle of the sky?

See answer

A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?

See answer

You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?

See answer

When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

See answer

What stays where it is when it goes off?

See answer

What lives when it eats and dies when it drinks?

See answer

You are a bus driver, 8 people get on, 2 people get off, 2 more people get on and another 1 get off. Finally, 3 more people get on and 2 get off again. How old is the bus driver?

See answer

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am i?

See answer

If you say my name i no longer exist. What am i?

See answer

How many seconds are in a year?

See answer

Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?

See answer

What day, within a week of today, does not end in "Y"?

See answer

What is far behind us, and can be seen without looking at it?

See answer

If you're stealing honey, be prepared to receive vengeance in this form.

See answer

What type of drink is usually added to cereal in the morning?

See answer

What is it that has a power socket on one end and a corkscrew on the other?

See answer

A king wears one on his head.

See answer

I have a head, tail, but no arms and legs. What am I?

See answer

Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

See answer

I have many letters, And though it's strange to say, I stay the same no matter how many I give away.

See answer

I am always in front of you, but you will never see me.
What am I?

See answer

I go from house to house, a messenger small and tight.
Weather it rains or snows. I sleep outside at night.
What am I?

See answer

White fat and fluffy,
May even look like a puppy.
Seems heavy but is light,
Floats about without a worry,
But if it turns dark you have to hurry!

See answer

Add me to myself and multiply by 4.
Divide me by 8 and you will have me once more.
What number am I?

See answer

A weighty currency.

See answer

I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but no head. I cannot see, and I help keep your house neat and tidy. What am I?

See answer

I invade your home once a year... but only if you've been good. What am I?

See answer

I usually wear a yellow coat. I usually have a dark head. I make marks wherever I go.

See answer

I go around and in the house, but never touches the house. What am I?

See answer

Tickle with your fingers and a song it will sing. Be careful, though, you may break a string. What is it?

See answer

When filled I can point the way. But when empty unmoving I stay. What am I?

See answer

What has four legs, but can't walk?

See answer

Be sure to shout for its answers are weak, but there is no language it cannot speak.

See answer

Bumpy form of transportation in desert cultures.

See answer

By Moon or by Sun, I shall be found.
Yet I am undone, if there's no light around.

See answer

What's an insect's favourite sport?

See answer

It is the transportation of choice for princesses to attend balls.

See answer

I am known for my natural tuxedo and marching. What am I?

See answer

Born in the ocean and white as snow. When I fall back to water I disappear without a trace. What am I?

See answer

I can be red, blue, purple, and green.
No one can reach me, not even the queen.
What am I?

See answer

This orange vegetable is a favorite of Bugs Bunny.

See answer

You can drop me from the tallest building and I'll be fine, but if you drop me in water I die.
What am I?

See answer

I am at your hand when it is dark and hidden away in the light. What am I?

See answer

I am a portal to another world which you cannot enter. Only you can see me but I can't see you. What am I?

See answer

I am like thunder in your cranium. What am I?

See answer

I have a neck but no head. I have a body but no arm. I have a bottom but no leg. What am I?

See answer

I have wheels and flies, yet I am not an aircraft. What am I?

See answer

What goes up when rain comes down?

See answer

It's only good if people laugh at it.

See answer

What has thirteen hearts But no body or soul?

See answer

Often cooked as fillet, this meat comes from an animal that swims underwater.

See answer

The faster you run, the harder it is to catch me. What am I?

See answer

What has a neck and no head, two arms but no hands?

See answer

What hangs in the sky by day but at night goes away?

See answer

I am your mother's brother's only brother in law. Who am I?

See answer

When it comes in,
From sea to shore,
Twenty paces you'll see,
No less, no more.

See answer

What instrument can make any sound and be heard but not touched or seen?

See answer

What comes once a day but leaves every morning?

See answer

Agile on my feet, I drive dogs mad.
I flick my tail when I'm angry and hum when I'm glad.
What am I?

See answer

A close relative of ketchup that people often spread on their dog.

See answer

I am full of holes but still holds water.
What am I?

See answer

I go in hard, come out soft. Blow me hard and I'll make a pop. What am I?

See answer

Proof you've done your time in school.

See answer

What breaks in the water but never on land?

See answer

I can be found in seconds, minutes and centuries, but not in days, years or decades.

See answer

U always follow me but I am rarely seen. What am I?

See answer

What is an astronaut's favorite snack?

See answer

What word has three syllables and twenty six letters?

See answer

I come without being fetched at night, hides away as soon as daylight strikes. Although I may look small, I am much mightier than what you can imagine. What am I?

See answer

Looks like a hippo crossed with a unicorn.

See answer

They make no sense at all,
In them you either fly or fall.
They make you do it all.
Their need is biologic,
but they are most illogic.
They are not real but still can be achieved,
If they are just believed.

See answer

What is a witch's favorite school subject?

See answer

This is a plant named after a light source. What is it?

See answer

What must be looked through in order to see?

See answer

What can be played with no rules and no winners or losers?

See answer

I only exist when you are here. Where you never were, I can never be. What am I?

See answer

When a doctor hits you with a hammer he is testing this.

See answer

I am a nut with a hole. What am I?

See answer

What goes up and down the stairs without moving?

See answer

I am pronounced as one letter, written with three. I come in blue, black, brown, or grey. Reverse me and I read the same either way. What am I?

See answer

A celebrity under the sea.

See answer

Hide me from your parents if you have done bad academically this year. What am I?

See answer

What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household animal?

See answer

What is made of wood and metal and must be buried before it works?

See answer

I spin and hum,
I'm your summer tool.
Just flip the switch,
and I serve to cool.
What am I?

See answer

Your mother's brother's only brother-in-law is asleep on your couch. Who is asleep on your couch?

See answer

Often found in doctor's offices and pirate flags.

See answer

The cloud is my mother, my father the wind. The lake is my son and the rainbow my bed. What am I?

See answer

Mom and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother.
How many people are in the family?

See answer

I am quick when I'm thin. I am slow when I'm fat. Wind is my worst nightmare. What am I?

See answer

What has fingers and a thumb but no hand?

See answer

A locked sphere without hinges or key. Break me open and golden treasures you'll see

See answer

Taking this from a baby is said to be quite easy.

See answer

What's at the head of an elephant and at the tail of a squirrel?

See answer

I am often sold by children entrepreneurs in summer time. What am I?

See answer

It is something you will never see again.

See answer

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