How to play

  • The player holding the highest double starts the game;
  • On your turn, play a domino that matches the number of dots on one of the open dominoes on the board;
  • Win a round by running out of dominoes first;
  • The round winner scores points equal to the total remaining dots in the other players' hand;
  • The game ends after you score one of the following points:
    • All Fives: 150 points;
    • Block: 100 points;
    • Classic: 100 points.



Choose between three types of domino games: All Fives, Block or Classic.


You can play against one, two or three computer players. You can also play a 2vs2 game, where you team up with one computer player.


It is possible to choose between two difficulties: normal or hard.

Types of Domino Game


When a player can't play any dominoes, he is blocked and the turn passes to the next player. The round ends when one player wins by playing their last tile, or when the game is blocked (neither player can play). The winner in this case is the player who has the lowest pip count.


Also known as Draw game, this is a variant of the Block game. When a player can't play any dominoes, he draws dominoes until he can. If there are none to draw, that player is blocked and the turn passes to the next player.

All Fives

Also known as Muggins, this is a variant of the Draw game. After playing a domino, count the number of dots on the two, three or four ends of the board. If this total is a multiple of five, score that many points. Additionally, the first double played in a round is called the "Spinner" and can be played on from its all four ends.

History of Dominoes

The history of dominoes is thought to date back to ancient China, where early forms of the game were played during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD). The name "domino" itself, however, is believed to have originated in Europe, possibly derived from the Latin word "dominus," meaning "master" or "lord." The traditional Chinese domino game evolved over time and was eventually brought to Europe, most likely through trade routes, in the 18th century. In Europe, the game underwent various modifications, including the standardization of the tile design that we are familiar with today—consisting of a line dividing its face into two square ends, each marked with a number of spots or "pips."

The game continued to spread globally, gaining popularity in different cultures and countries. In the Caribbean and Latin America, various domino games are a staple of social gatherings and family events. In Western countries, it is often played in gaming clubs or as a pastime among friends and family. The basic concept of matching numbers has remained, but various rule sets and forms, like Double-Six, Double-Nine, and other regional variations, have developed over time. With the advent of the internet, online domino platforms have made the game accessible to an even wider audience, allowing for a mix of traditional and modern gameplay elements.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Dominoes Online

Playing dominoes online offers several advantages, such as convenience and accessibility. You can play at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection, removing the need to physically gather friends or family for a game. Online platforms also offer various game modes, levels, and even tournaments that can provide a more diverse experience than traditional face-to-face games. Additionally, the digital format allows for quicker setup and automated scoring, making the gameplay smoother.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider. Playing online can lack the social interaction and camaraderie that come with in-person games. The tactile experience of holding and placing domino tiles is also absent. Some may also find the user interface of online domino platforms to be less intuitive compared to traditional gameplay.

